Coming soon



We are really excited to announce QUEERS WROTE THIS a quarterly newsletter founded by QÉIRE.

The title of our newsletters, QUEERS WROTE THIS, is inspired by a militant-style leaflet which was published anonymously by queers and distributed at the New York Pride March in 1990 with the instructive title: QUEERS READ THIS. Taking directly from this leaflet, we stand by the queers who wrote this and believe that,

“Being queer is not about a right to privacy; it is about the freedom to be public, to just be who we are. It means everyday fighting oppression; homophobia, racism, misogyny, the bigotry of religious hypocrites and our own self-hatred…”

In compiling, publishing and distributing this newsletter, we not only want queers to read this, we want queers to write this. A newsletter written by queers for queers. In respecting the anonymity of QUEERS READ THIS, we encourage writers to use pseudonyms for our readers to follow!

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